Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Treatment suggestions

So what did the oncologist say? She said a lot but here are the highlights.  Firstly the hormone testing came back, estrogen came back 1+ (on a scale of 0-3), so that means the tumour is slightly affected by estrogen.  Progesterone came back a 0 so not a factor but the HER2 came back 3+. HER2 is a gene we all have but sometimes it is "over-expressed" and that leads to aggressive growth of the cancer.
The oncology team has suggested that I do 6 rounds of chemo therapy one every three weeks my cocktail will be Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin.  The Herceptin will be administered every three weeks for a year.  Radiation will begin four weeks after chemo ends and that will be five days a week for five weeks.  They have also suggested that I take an estrogen blocker for five years.  All I can say is this is going to suck...

Well, that being said I'm experiencing my first set back in my treatment course (though it hasn't really started) this week.  Yesterday as I was sitting waiting to have my IVAD or port surgically installed and I received a phone call informing me I need to go back into surgery on Thursday they've decided the margins aren't big enough for there liking.  So I go under the knife, again.  Then I will have to heal, again! hopefully then we can get on with this treatment.  Ugh.
By this weekend I'm going to be rather unhappy because the girl who HATES needles/scalpels anything of the sort will have been poked and sliced far too many times for her liking all in one week. Also will have an injury on the right and left sides of my upper torso so that should make sleeping and general living interesting.
So here's to next week being a more agreeable one!

Sad place...

Last week I had my first visit to the Cross Cancer and met my medical oncologist.  Wowzers was that place SAD!  You hear every day that someone has cancer and you know it affects more people than we think but to actually get there and see all the people.  There was a moment where we were I cannot believe how many people are here and you know why they are all there.
Then the thing I knew I couldn't handle happened as we were standing line I saw a little girl crying in her mothers arms with her sisters and father standing around them.  It broke my heart no child should have to go through this, its not fair! There should be an exemption for children, they should not have there childhood ruined by cancer or any other disease for that matter.
As an adult who is rather rational about most things and I like to believe anyway fairly intelligent, I have a hard time wrapping my head around my diagnoses and understanding all the treatments.  So I know how scary it is for myself and then I imagine being a child and going through these things, it must be terrifying for a child!
Not that I believe anyone deserves this disease, its just heart breaking to see so many people going through it from the far too young to the old and everything in the middle.

On the other hand everyone who works/volunteers there is extremely pleasant and helpful.  You can tell they are trying to make your day a little less difficult and help in anyway possible. They are trying to make it a little less SAD and for that I have to say Thank-You.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Breast feeding & Cancer

Let me just start off by saying everyone has an opinion about breast feeding and that's okay; these are my very personal feelings and beliefs on the matter.  On the day the doctor told me that I had cancer he had another bomb to drop. The next piece of absolutely gut wrenching news; you should quit breast feeding. Say what!?  I must have made a face or said something I'm unsure, but the next thing he said was well at least out of the affected breast.  I was and still am unsatisfied with this response but I have yet to get anything more from anyone else...
The following day I went to the drug store to buy some bottles and formula. It was a disaster! The emotions began to flow right out of me, I actually considered or rather was on the verge of having one of those toddler tantrums where you throw yourself on the ground kicking and screaming! I was so ANGRY! I can't describe the turmoil I was in standing there looking at the formula and bottles. As I read the ingredient list of the formulas I couldn't believe people feed there children this stuff and it is often encouraged to feed them this. How could this be good for my child? Then the sense of loss set in, big time! I felt ripped off and cheated for me and for my baby.
His big brother and I had twenty-two months to for lack of a better word bond. Putting my feelings about breast feeding into words is impossible for me they are too strong. I love it! it is so comfortable, normal and natural for me. I'm absolutely mind boggled by people's lack of desire and other peoples ignorance.
So what has happened since my near meltdown at the drugstore? Well I didn't give up breast feeding completely I continue to feed from one breast only and supplement with the bottle, he is too hungry for the one breast to keep up with him. The anger is still there though... I love feeding my baby and I'm dreading the day it will end, it brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.  I believe with every piece of my being that breast feeding is best and the bottle is a distant second sometimes necessary but never going to be my first choice.
I will retire this rant for now, NO promises that I won't pick it up again especially since the day that I dread the day it may all have to end is nearing.