Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Sad place...

Last week I had my first visit to the Cross Cancer and met my medical oncologist.  Wowzers was that place SAD!  You hear every day that someone has cancer and you know it affects more people than we think but to actually get there and see all the people.  There was a moment where we were I cannot believe how many people are here and you know why they are all there.
Then the thing I knew I couldn't handle happened as we were standing line I saw a little girl crying in her mothers arms with her sisters and father standing around them.  It broke my heart no child should have to go through this, its not fair! There should be an exemption for children, they should not have there childhood ruined by cancer or any other disease for that matter.
As an adult who is rather rational about most things and I like to believe anyway fairly intelligent, I have a hard time wrapping my head around my diagnoses and understanding all the treatments.  So I know how scary it is for myself and then I imagine being a child and going through these things, it must be terrifying for a child!
Not that I believe anyone deserves this disease, its just heart breaking to see so many people going through it from the far too young to the old and everything in the middle.

On the other hand everyone who works/volunteers there is extremely pleasant and helpful.  You can tell they are trying to make your day a little less difficult and help in anyway possible. They are trying to make it a little less SAD and for that I have to say Thank-You.

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