Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Hurry up...and wait.

So what's been going on lately?  Not much.  Just hanging out with my family, healing up so we can move on.  The second breast surgery went well and wasn't as uncomfortable as the first one, oddly enough, I'm thinking its because the IVAD (or power port) that was installed earlier in the week was so uncomfortable the boob surgery was nothing.  I was just had a black and blue chest for about a week then it turned a few different colours as the bruises healed. Now the only thing noticeable is the bump on my chest where the IVAD lives under my skin. I swear it has a bulls eye on it because my kids never miss it!  I've healed up nicely the doctor attributed it to my young skin and I've been cleared to move on.
Tomorrow I will receive my first round of chemo therapy. Part of me is terrified of the unknown (how my body will react, will I be sick, will I have an allergic reaction...) and the other part of me can't believe it is finally going to start ( it feels like I've been waiting forever, I do know it hasn't really been that long).  So for now I will have to wait and hope for the best because really what else can a person do with out driving oneself crazy? get some sleep.

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